
Public utility companies:

  • RWE IT Hungary
  • GDF Suez Hungary
  • ENI Gas & Power
  • E.ON IT
  • Magyar Telekom

Other sectors:

  • EGIS
  • Invitel
  • Richter Gedeon
  • HM EI

Most of our consultants also have several years of project experience abroad – both in Europe and overseas.

A few of our success stories:

FGM: EDM extension project

In order to comply with the provisions of the act on market deregulation, FŐGÁZ decided to make use of a one-client/multi-contract solution. The existing data model had to be extended to the business partners under Universal Service, with comprehensive migration.

Concurrently with this, a new system usage fee settlement system and a new allocation procedure had to be introduced, and – as far as we know, for the first time in Hungary – a system of adjusted settlement had to be established.

In the new allocation procedure we successfully implemented the running of daily allocation processes in respect of the entire customer base, within an exceptionally short time frame.

In the project, which was implemented with HP as the main contractor, SysArtist performed the following tasks:

  • technical management of the project at the supplier
  • comprehensive consulting in the following fields:
    • management of master data
    • meter reading
    • settlement and invoicing
    • adjusted settlement
    • invoice printing
    • EDM (development)
    • data migration
    • customer service (CIC interface)

GDF Suez: 2R+IDE and DPC project

In 2008, in order to achieve a higher level of compliance with the EU directives on the deregulated gas market, GDF SUEZ took the decision to physically separate its information technology systems, and resolved to implement a project for this purpose. In the project, as the named subcontractor of HP, SysArtist performed approximately 90% of the consulting and development work related to the IS-U system.

The objective was to separate the SAP CORE that had been operating in a live environment for eight years, and the five-year-old SAP IS-U system: this entailed the development of two new (distributor and trader) systems, which communicate without discrimination using the SAP IS-U corporate data exchange (IDE) module. Another of GDF’s requirements was to switch from the existing BBP-based partial-invoicing system to a DPC-based system in both the distributor and trader systems.

The two projects ran in parallel with each other. The planning phase began in September 2008 and implementation started in January 2009, with the live launch taking place in September 2009.

In this project SysArtist performed the following tasks:

  • technical management of the project at the supplier
  • comprehensive consulting and development in relation to both systems, in the following IS-U fields:
    • management of master data
    • device management
    • settlement and invoicing
    • invoice printing
    • IDE
    • work management
    • data migration

GDF Suez: Implementation of a free-market electricity trading SAP IS-U system

The objective of the project was to implement a free-market electricity trading SAP IS-U system that was integrated with the various distributors by means of automatic data exchange processes. We also integrated the functions and processes defined during the planning stage into the existing gas trading system.

In the project, which was implemented with HP as the main contractor, SysArtist performed the following tasks:

  • technical management of the project at the supplier
  • comprehensive consulting in the following fields:
    • management of master data
    • establishment of IDE connections with electricity distributors
    • settlement and invoicing
    • invoice printing

The launch took place on schedule, to the satisfaction of both the Client and the Main Contractor.

Magyar Telekom: Implementation of a gas and electricity trading SAP IS-U system

The implementation was performed entirely “from scratch”: Magyar Telekom had no prior experience of energy trading activity, and possessed neither business, nor IT capabilities in this field.

Implementation took place in record time by both Hungarian and European standards. Delivery was made within the original deadline, despite the fact that the project was already considerably behind schedule when MT brought us into the IS-U planning process.

SysArtist performed approximately 80% of the SAP IS-U system integration tasks:

  • technical management of the project at the supplier
  • comprehensive consulting in the following fields:
    • management of master data
    • establishment of IDE connections with all gas and electricity distributors
    • settlement and invoicing in connection with electricity trading
    • invoice printing
    • FI-CA

The main contractor in the project was IQSYS Informatikai és Tanácsadó Zrt.